Welcome to MyARB. You should use this portal to manage all aspects of your registration, including paying your retention fee, logging your CPD, and making your annual professional declarations.
Once you are on the Register, your MyARB username and registration number are in the yellow box on the left.
Your Username is your personal email address. We strongly suggest that you don't use a work email, so you can always access the portal, even if you change roles. You can change the personal email using the relevant button in the My Profile page. This is important to remember to access your account. If you forget your password, you can change it on the log in screen at https://arb.org.uk/myarb/ by selecting Forgot my Password. A link will be sent to your personal email address.
Your recent applications, including any pending renewal applications, can be found below. You can sort through them by clicking the column headers. If you start an application in error, you can delete or cancel an application using the drop down on right hand side. If you need to, you can access an open application or renewal payment by clicking the blue APP hyperlink. Applications that are not paid for and submitted are automatically deleted after 30 days.
The yellow buttons below allow you to make new applications according to your current registered status.
You can also pay your retention fee at the end of the year here, when the annual fee period opens. If you wish to pay by direct debit rather than card, the option to set this up will be available nearer that time. If you have a current direct debit in place, you can review these details on the My Profile page.
Use the menu on the left to navigate to recent receipts, registration certificates and any other documents you may have saved here. You can also apply for other ARB services, and maintain your CPD records, using the left-hand menu.